Security International Moving
  • Over 26 years of experience


Committed to

the Environment

At SIM, we are aware of the importance of caring for the environment. Therefore, we are committed to protecting and caring for it by promoting a culture of environmental responsibility based on the reduction, reuse, and recycling of many of the materials we use in our operations.

Since 2021, SIM has been taking action to protect the Amazon Forest through the ARBIO project. This project promotes the protection of our rainforest in the area of the Amazon River basin, protects it from illegal logging, and preserves the habitat of thousands of species.

medio ambiente
responsabilidad social

Social Responsibility

We are committed to promoting a culture of social responsibility that contributes to creating value in society, our clients, employees, and suppliers. Over the years, we have supported various institutions, such as:

Commitment to the New Generations

In 2021, we decided to direct our efforts towards the NGO Kantaya, dedicated to supporting children through an intellectual and socio-emotional learning program after school hours.

Our goal in the coming years is to contribute to a new and improved generation of citizens, which will translate into better professionals and better authorities.
nuevas generaciones